

Flower Essence Consultation

Flower Essences are homeopathic remedies for Mind-Body Health + Soul Development. Their vibrational nature work on an energetic level to bring harmony + healing to the emotional body. Flower Essence offer a myriad of support that can assist with dismantling out dated patterns and energetic blocks. They provide gentle shifts while working through emotional challenges and traumas. The subtle yet profound effects of essences can open up an awakening of our truest desires to find harmony along our paths.

I am here to provide guidance and careful reflection throughout your journey with botanicals. A one on one consultation allows me to listen to how you would like assistance in finding a path for transmuting immediate and/or long term mental/emotional pains. Together we can interpret which essences and rituals can become personal allies to redirect your soul’s desires for the healing and transformation you seek. We will engage in a series of questions followed by a meditation to tap into intuition and insights that arise.

As Flower Essences are homeopathic and created with the natural alchemy of the sun and purified water they are subtle and safe for all adults, pregnant women, children and even pets and plants. I custom create each essence in their natural habitat or my garden for optimal potency. My Flower Essences are preserved with 25% alcohol (Brandy/Whiskey) or vegetable glycerin if non- alcoholic is preferred.

Feel free to email me with any questions.

*Flower Essences are not approved or recognized by the FDA and are not intended to cure or treat any serious illness, disease or injury.

Astro-Herbal Consultation

Let’s engage in a 2 hrs discussion on how your Natal Chart corresponds to the natural world. Gain a clearer idea of WHO YOU ARE and were born into the world to be and how to maintain good health and relationships aligned with your path and purpose. I will interpret your Chart and ask you questions to discover your natural constitution, strengths and challenges. A guided meditation will assist in integrating the information. We will work together to determine which herbal allies and rituals can provide you the best support.

You will receive

-a better understanding of yourself and how to identify and work with your challenges, weaknesses, strengths, passions and desires.

-a visual representation of the signs, symbols, body systems and plants associated with your chart.

-a follow up email with a list of personalized plant allies, herbal remedies, rituals and lifestyle adjustments with recommendations for how to work with them regularly to maintain alignment in your life.

*I can prepare personalized Menstruums, Flower Essences and Tea blends for you to work with at an additional fee.

2 hour Consult is $250. I’d love to talk about how we can work together.

I'm available for a free initial 15 minute conversation to answer any questions.
